Ma liste de culture:
Nepenthes adnata
Nepenthes maxima Borone
Nepenthes burkei BE
Nepenthes bellii BE
Nepenthes ampullaria Lime Twist
Nepenthes globosa
Nepenthes ampullaria "Brunei Red"
Nepenthes fusca (Tambunan Rd)
Nepenthes sanguinea
Nepenthes ampullaria | Brunei green
Nepenthes ampullaria | Brunei red speckled
Nepenthes ampullaria | Borneo Sunset
Nepenthes veitchii H/L
Nepenthes mirabilis var. echinostoma | Purple clone
Nepenthes ampullaria "hot lips"
Nepenthes tenuis
Nepenthes rowanae
Nepenthes albomarginata
Nepenthes ampullaria | red x Harlequin
Nepenthes northiana
Nepenthes ampullaria, dark green peristome
Nepenthes ampullaria, full red batiq
Nepenthes ampullaria, pink lips
Nepenthes ampullaria, spotted
Dioneae muscipula „B-52“
Dioneae muscipula „Akai Ryu“ Clone D44 BCP
Dioneae muscipula "Trichterfalle" (Funnel Trap)
Dioneae muscipula "clayton volcanic red"
Drosera oblanceolata
Drosera capensis „Baines Kloof“
Drosera filiformis var filiformis
Drosera aliciae
Drosera pulchella
Drosera adelae
Drosera paradoxa
Drosophyllum lusitanicum
Heliamphora ciliata
Heliamphora nutans
Heliamphora heterodoxa (RS)
Heliamphora neblinae
Sarracenia rubra ssp. gulfensis
Sarracenia oreophylla
Sarracenia flava var. cuprea (Coppertop) veined form
Sarracenia leucophylla « Helmut's delight seed grown f. selfed motherplant»
Sarracenia flava var. rubricorpora (RCP1), Apalachicola FL
Sarracenia leucophylla Mobile Co
Sarracenia purpurea ssp. venosa var. all green (antho free)
Sarracenia flava var. atropurpurea
Sarracenia flava var. rugelii
Sarracenia flava